Imagem de Biljana Jovanovic por Pixabay
Dedicated to the best Teacheres Ever…
Those were the days…
Have you ever heard an old song that brings you back wonderful memories? Oh! Yes, it sometimes happens to everyone.
But today, I would like to tell you about one little experience I had…
Some years ago (about 14 years ago) I was kind of depressed, tired of years of hard working and so sad about a great loss in my family.
So I decided to study English.
Well, Itaberaba City wasn’t too near my house, but I decided to learn something new.
And what I found there? I started studying English at CCAA. I confess, I was a little ashamed because of the young class I found there.
The only guy older than 16 was I (I was only 38…lol) And as an old saying here, in Brazil “Old parrots don’t learn talkings”, something like that.
But then a Young and wonderful teacher came into the class. He had the brightest smile I’ve ever seen and he was always kidding about things, life and stories.
And then he took us to know all the CCAA Crew. Meire, Cátia, Cláudia and Libério, the great. That team was like a family to me. I found a reason to keep on studying.
Patient, wise and with a lot of stories about travels around the world he used to make the students dream about the possibilities of knowledge.
A great methodology, but kind above the greatest wish of helping us to learn.
The First semester flew like a wind and so did the other semester… A wonderful crew I found there. And as all in life the time I had to go has come.
I confess, I was sad (and the teacher was relieved! Lol)
As I remember teacher Parísio as the greatest teacher and Friend ever (he’s really an amazing person!), Libério, as great as Parísio, a wonderful and inspiring storyteller, Jamille a friend, why shouldn’t I say she was an angel? And about Meire, the sweetest and the most lovely person I knew.
And now…the old parrot is speaking! Lol
Perhaps 13 years is a long time and I may have forgotten loads of things.
But how can I forget those days?
Oh, My! Those were the days…as the music said!”
Read more: “How It Would Be… – Poem of a New Day” ‣ Jeito de ver
CCAA em Itaberaba, Bahia.
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Comentário (3)
Liberio| 23 de março de 2024
What can I say about all this my friend? I’m very thankful, very pround of myself and very honored by your nice and caring words. You are a very nice person, cunning , friendly and such a dedicated student.THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM ALL CCAA ITABERABA CREW.
Gilson Cruz| 23 de março de 2024
Oh! My Teacher, you deserve so much more. Thank you for everything!
Liberio| 23 de março de 2024