Imagem de Cheryl Holt por Pixabay
Gilson Cruz
What if, on a new day,
people forgot their differences and learned to coexist?
What if weapons were replaced by dialogue and people held hands?
What if, on a new day,
all the children in the world could play in the streets again
and the sounds outside were celebrations, not bombs?
What if, countries didn’t try to expand their borders
and extinguish the weaker ones,
as if they were enemies?
What if, borders didn’t exist,
and the entire earth belonged to a brotherhood,
a human brotherhood?
What if, on a new day,
cultures met and celebrated existence,
not any supposed superiority?
If black, white, yellow, green, and red joined hands
and learned from other cultures?
What if, on a new day,
there were no disputes or exploitation
and everyone was committed to respecting
the green of the Earth and the blue of the skies?
How would it be…
How would it be if,
starting from a new day…
humans forgot hatred and forgave?
The Earth, Yes,
the whole world would live in Peace
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